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2015 Port Douglas Heart Meeting & Expo
Message from the Convener


















I would like to warmly invite you to join us for the 2018 Port Douglas Heart Meeting & Expo.


The PD meetings have been running now for nearly 20 years and have grown into high quality interactive educational events focussed on case-based learning and didactic lectures by some of the world’s most illustrious and talented speakers and teachers.


PD18 will again feature a wonderful international faculty which we are privileged to have and I would like to thank each of them for their attendance and teaching. I’d also like to thank all of our great supporting sponsors for enabling this to occur.


The relaxed tropical environment truly allows a mental break without distractions which promotes great learning as well as meaningful collegial networking.


My colleagues on the scientific advisory committee and so many of our PD national faculty “regulars” have helped give the meetings a real family feel and this warmth and comraderie plus the amazing international faculty have made these for many a “must-attend “event.


As you may know we are now running the meetings every 3 years. This is quite a long time in the rapidly evolving field of cardiology and a perfect opportunity for clinical updates and “bottom-line” take-home messages which will impact on your practice.


If you feel overwhelmed looking at that pile of unread CME emails or journals please put them aside, clear them away and come along to PD18 to be completely updated!! I guarantee you will not be disappointed.


I have been told by many delegates that this is the only meeting where they are always truly awake!  The only complaint we get is that the pull of the lagoons and beach are not strong enough to keep people away from the great sessions!


The meeting is appropriate for clinical cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, advanced trainees and training fellows in cardiology, sonographers, trainee sonographers, cardiac technicians, cardiac nurses and other allied health professionals.


I would like to take this opportunity as always to thank Sharon Bain and The Events Authority for their quality professional organising services and attention to detail. Thanks also to the management and all the staff at the beautifully renovated Sheraton Hotel who consistently provide us with outstanding event facilities and service.


As has been the case for previous meetings, the entire scientific content of the PD18 will be recorded for CME purposes on the CSANZ website and I’d like to thank the CSANZ for their great support. This allows delegates to go over valued lectures at their convenience for the following 12 months.


Please come along and enjoy what promises to be our biggest and best meeting yet!


I look forward to seeing you there!


Stephen Fenton

If you have any queries please contact:

Heart Meeting Secretariat

Sharon Bain, The Events Authority

Mobile: 0412-91 2415, Telephone 02-8437 1140


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